There is nine species of asteroidea from Karimunjawa islands, Jepara, Indonesia:
1. Archaster angulatus2. Archaster typicus
3. Culcita novaeguineae
4. Echinaster luzonicus
5. Linckia laevigata
6. Linckia multifora
7. Nardoa frianti
8. Nardoa pauciforis
9. Protoreaster nodosus
Explanation : a. dorsal side; b. ventral side
Asteroidea play an important role in coral reef ecosystems, especially in food webs, generally as predators and detritus feeder. Asteroids has a prefered habitat affected by food habits and kinds of food.
A. angulatus and A. typicus was found on sand flat,
C. novaeguineae, L. laevigata, L. multifora, N. frianti, N. pauciforis was found on reef flat
E. luzonicus and P. nodosus was found on seagrass bed
There is need further research about diversity and the habitat of asteroids in Karimunjawa Islands.